Friday 12 April 2019

Romance Novels That Were Once Banned

Who can resist the pull of a novel that at one point in history was banned by the authorities? This applied most commonly to books of the romance variety, as it was often believed that too many steamy scenes would incite inappropriate behavior in readers.


We’re lucky to be alive in this day and age with freedom of speech, and where the vast majority of previously banned books are now readily available for us to read without fear of prosecution. Here are two of the juiciest romance novels that were prohibited in the past.

Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence

Perhaps the most well-known banned book of recent times. The novel tells the story of an upper class woman who wishes to explore her sexuality outside of her marriage, so she begins an affair with the gamekeeper. In 1960, there was a highly publicized court case where it was debated whether the book’s merit as a piece of literature was enough to warrant its publication despite what were considered far too graphic sexual scenes.

The Proof of the Honey by Salwa al-Neimi

This book remains banned in many Arab countries for its portrayal of a sexually liberated Arab woman, who lives life exactly how she chooses. The story is about a Syrian academic who visits Paris for a conference that is all about erotic literature. The trip stirs memories of her previous sexual encounters, and takes the reader on an exciting journey through the pages of classic Arab literature.

Get stuck into a world of romantic literature, all curated in one convenient place, visit today and rediscover your love of reading.

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